Monday, February 27, 2012

One Line A Day

Decided to spend the day catching up on journaling, drawing, and other creative stuff. When we went to NOLA this summer, I picked up this sweet little Five Year Journal from Urban Outfitters, and I love it! There is a picture of it below. I was going to take a picture of my own, but I have the worst headache right now! NO. GOOD. Anyway, I guess it will be a lazy day for me!


  1. so cool you have one of these too, i've had mine for three years now and love looking back on what i did this day last year. Its weird how sometimes you can go a whole year full circle. Whats one of your favorite entries from a date past ?

  2. I thought I remembered you having one when we were in the dorms! I can't wait until I can actually look back at the year before. But so far I think that my favorite entries are from the week I was in New Orleans, the first week I got it. Im so glad I got it then, because it was a really memorable trip! Totally perfect timing!

  3. Very cool! I may have to hit up U.Outfitters and check it out.

  4. You totally should! I think it may be on their website too, but Im not sure about that...
