Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day 2010

Happy Earth Day to everyone!
untitled.jpg earth day image by PooF
This one is for Jesse, he demanded that I put this as my Earth Day picture...

Also, today is officially one month until Jesse and I move into the new townhouse! We can't wait! :) 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring...Cleaning that is!

Spring is here, and with it comes the dreaded spring cleaning! But luckily for me, I've been in quite an organizational mood recently! A couple days ago I decided to put one of my little moleskins to good use. I have decided to write down all of my goals for the week and as I finish them I check them off. I also write a little something about each one (what I did, how it made me feel, how it helped, etc.). And boy does it feel great! Not only does it remind me what needs to be done, it also makes me want to complete the tasks more because I want I want to be able to check them off! At first I was only writing down 'physical' to-do's, but then I realized that I can write down personal goals as well, such as reading at least five minutes a night, being more positive, and eating less sweets!

Does anyone else do something like this?

How is your spring cleaning going?

Sunday, April 4, 2010