Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cool Idea for the Oil Spill Clean Up

I think this is such a great idea. There is plenty of hay around Texas!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Nothing reminds me of summer the way lightning bugs do.

What reminds you of summer?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thing #9847539 To Do In A Small Town

Well, it has been a week tomorrow since we moved into the new townhouse! Im sorry for not posting any pictures yet, but I promise they are coming soon (me being the perfectionist that I can be, I dont want any pictures to be taken until I have everything the way I want it...)!

Jesse went to the lake with his parents for Memorial Day, I went ahead and made the drive back to my parents house for the weekend (I needed to pick up a few more things for the house anyway). Tonight after dinner I went with my mother to get something from the town's dollar store, and boy did we find some INTERESTING things...actually some were quite reminiscent of my childhood, but then, there were some that were just...well...hilarious.

 Does anyone remember these? The little yellow things are tiny straws and the tubes had this sort of putty in take the putty and ball in up on the end of the straw, blow, and you have a plastic balloon! Ok, it doesn't sound as cool now, but I LOVED these things when I was about 10...

These were another favorite, but when I was a little younger...I could never wait to see what they were so I would always end up peeling off the plastic early.

Every kid loves putty, except when you best friend slaps a big wad of it in your hair...Thats another story though.

What kid didn't have these on their ceiling at some point, really!

Every parents worst nightmare...

I always loved this kind of thing when I was little...I had beads EVERYWHERE. I guess it was the crafter in me...

Ok, so Ive shown you some of my favorite childhood toys, now its time for the good stuff...seriously guys...some of this stuff is just weird.

In case you cant read says BEADBUG spray!!!! I don't know about you, but I think this little travel size bottle would be great on my bedside table...NOT! Or maybe to take with you to some of your less lovely hotels?

The face on this cat makes me laugh every time I see it...

Wouldn't you just love a couple of these wonderful pieces of art in YOUR yard? I believe they are toads...but I'm honestly not sure...

And finally, Mint Thin, the ugly cousin of Thin Mints...

Do any of you remember these toys? Do yall ever go to your local dollar store and look at all the the weird things that they have? Do yall even have a dollar store? And if so, have you ever seen anything stranger than my wonderful items? Haha.

Monday, May 24, 2010

No Internet...

Well, we're finally moved in, but we wont have any internet until atleast Tuesday, so until then I have to come down to the closest coffee shop. Therefore, there wont be as many posts, and no pictures yet...dont worry though! It's absolutely wonderful, and we love it! Especially Ralphie...:)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Moving Day...

Its finally here! We are officially moving in to the new townhouse in the morning! After MUCH procrastination, a failed attempt and painting, a table, and lots of packing, it is finally time (that was just today)! Im still washing clothes, but other than that...I am ready! I plan on taking LOTS of pictures from as soon as we walk in, the finished product (which could be days later), and I also plan on posting as much of it as I can on here! :)

Jesse's cousin was nice enough to help us move tomorrow, so we will have a total of three trucks it fill up our stuff with. And if that doesn't work, then we have TOO MUCH STUFF!!! Haha, well...everyone wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We will be moving in four days! I cant believe my first EVER post was right after we chose the townhouse! And now look, we're almost there. These are just a few pictures to get me in the packing/moving mood. :)

Packin Up, by Heather Bailey

So pack a change of clothes

film_stills: angela [rebecca miller, 1995]

Saturday, May 8, 2010


After such a fun and happy day today with my boyfriend Jesse, I wanted to post some FUN and HAPPY pictures! We had a lazy night tonight, watching a movie in bed and ordering a pizza. Then finishing off the night by looking at some of our old yearbooks. It doesn't sound like much, but the fact of the matter is...when we are together, it always seems to end up being wonderful. :)

shes a carnival

shes a carnival

Odyssey Fusion

You don’t even know how much I need you. | fearlessfight06 on Xanga


some fun no Flickr – Compartilhamento de fotos!

samantha ♥

because every night, is a masquerade.
{all photos via}

Love you baby. :)

Friday, May 7, 2010


We are nearing the end of National Pet Week, so I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures of my dachshund Ralph! He is such a wonderful pet and I don't know what I would do without my little boy! He he has a huge personality, and while he can be a bit of a mess, I have not met anyone who doesn't fall in love with him! Who knows, maybe after looking at these pictures you will too! :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

This is how I feel right now.

Someone rescue me please...