Monday, September 27, 2010

Because Its Monday...

Because its Monday, something to lift your spirits...
And what does that better than a dancing dog???

I promise, this dog has a wonderful life, and believe it or not...truly loves it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


You cant see it very well in this picture...but the middle is a little compass, and the petals are made out of layers of white & black fabric and netting.

And you know what else??? 
Its went to a good cause (The Aggie Enivromental Society) AND it was only THREE DOLLARS!!!! I know! Crazy!

Monday, September 20, 2010


This is how I feel today.

Too bad I have two tests tomorrow...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Falling in love...with fall.

YESSS!!! Its finally here! My favorite season of allll! Fall! (Yes, I did do that on purpose). 
Here are somethings that remind me of fall...

(football, not the 3 stooges...) 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I promise, Im still alive...

Ok, I know I might as well not even try and make up excuses for why I havent written in so long...but I has been INTENSE around here!

Heres a little update on what has been absolutely consuming my life recently...

This is one of the fish I have to memorize for my History of Vertebrates lab...He isnt even weird compared to SOME of the guys. There are 48 of these little (and freakishly huge) things. My practical is on Friday, and needless to say, I'm sort of freaking out.

College football. Period.
(Post script: We're 2-0!)

I feel like every since semester started back, the house has constantly been a mess! Cleaning always gets put on the back burner (which reminds me, I need to clean the top of the stove too).

This picture isn't really relevant, but it is pretty freakin cute!
He wanted to go to the game too...I think he forgets he is K9 sometimes! ;)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Tonight, Jesse surprised me and took me to the movies. He didnt tell which one we were going to see but I did have a feeling.

You know how there are some movies that just engulf you? You finish the movie with a feeling to take away. Like you are momentarily incased in a bubble. Influenced by the lives of the people you just watched. The feeling varies depending on the movie, but something about it is always the same. I feel like those are the good movies. 

I also think that music can do the same. Its harder with music though. Because you must make up the pictures in your head. It takes more creativity...

Anyway, enough rambling I guess! 

In short, I would recommend the movie to anyone, even though Jesse did say he was one of three males in the theater. ;)