Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bad news, and GREAT news.

Well, it has been a very long time since I really wrote a REAL blog, but I promise I CAN explain. You see, my computer decided to finally go ahead and DIE on me yesterday. It was a long and slow death, starting about a month ago when it stopped keeping its charge. I thought I only needed a new battery, but that didn't work, so I just procrastinated taking it to the shop until yesterday when I tried turning it on only to see a black screen and hear the most awful beeping noise I have ever heard come from my dear little computer. This is the bad news.

The good news? I just bought a brand new MacBook Pro! I absolutely love my new computer, and I have been completely glued to it since about 4:00 PM today...

Since it has been so long since I posted a blog I guess I should update everyone on the good stuff in my life recently. I traveled to Galveston this weekend for the Hands Across the Sand event and it was great. I have a lot of pictures, and I promise to post some soon! I can't tell you how powerful it was to see so many people in one place for a good cause. It made me feel that maybe there was hope for our gulf.

I also got some really rad pictures that day, some of them being of a couple of pelicans who landed literally 15 feet away from us. And being the bird freak that I am, I went a little crazy with the pictures. :)

Well, I want to give a big congratulations to anyone who actually got through this post...and have a great night as well!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hands Across the Sand!

If any of you are around Galveston this Saturday come out and help end off shore oil drilling!
RSVP - Hands Across the Sand! - Environment Texas

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My New Toy

I finally did it. After months of waiting and researching, I finally bought myself a new camera! We went down to Best Buy the other day, and I immediately went straight for the thing. And guess what? I was the last one! I got the Nikon Coolpix L110 and I absolutely LOVE it. It has a great zoom which is exactly what I will need for my type of job, and it is surprisingly easy to use. I have only had this camera for a few days, but so far, I would definitely recommend it.

I just love my new toy!!!


This is a picture that I took on campus yesterday. These blue jays are all over the place right now!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Sorry for the lack of posts recently, it has been absolutely crazyyyy around here lately! But I can say, that I have officially finished my first week at Texas A&M! :) AND, today I finally had the time to take a couple of pictures of the place for everyone to see! Now remember, we still aren't done, and I will post more as time goes on, but this is it so far. I must say, I'm pretty in love with our little house!!!
The front of the place. 

An view of the living room from the upstairs window.

Ralph loves to lay like this...:)

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this old trunk, it was a gift from my father when we moved in, and it is now our new coffee table! He has had this thing for as long as I can remember.

Yes, as a matter a fact Jesse did make this table. Yes, they are both pretty great. :)

I love our little retro stove.

Our bedroom.

I just had to put this picture up...thats one of those awful singing fish. Im sure all of you know SOMEONE that has one...well, you see, it was a sort of gag gift from my father to Jesse, and we just couldnt think of a better place to put it than there...;)

The upstairs spare bedroom.

...Well, this post got a little longer than I thought it would, so thank you to all of you who lasted until the end! Haha, but seriously, what do yall think? Does anyone have any ideas? :)