Saturday, December 25, 2010

The best house on the block.

Ok guys, really sorry for not posting over the holidays so far. I promise that will change soon! Im not really going to try to make any excuses. But I promise I have LOTS of fun blog ideas and I have been reading lots of cool books/doing lots of new things/drawing some really cute stuff. And thats what the holidays are about right?! Well...sorta anyway. So, for now...Ile just show you this...

This little beauty (sorta) is a little house in my hometown that puts up lots and lots of lights every year. It true, that its not a spectacular as some of the huge professionally decorated houses in the city, but there is something magical about it in its own little way. The couple that live there are getting older now so the lights are getting fewer than a couple years ago. But we still love to drive by and watch the little mini helicopter and then tiny train. Everything is pretty much the same every year, which for some reason leaves a comfort...its always the first house we go by and see...

P.S. -unfortunately because a lot of the lights on the house change and blink, it seems that only about half of the lights are actually lit in this picture...but hopefully you sort of get the feeling of it all...:)

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